Contoh Soal Dan Jawaban Fisika Kelas Xi Semester 2

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Contoh Soal Fisika Kelas XI Semester 1 dan Semester 2. Contoh Soal Evaluasi Semester 1 [Download Dokumen] Contoh Soal Evaluasi Semester 2 [Download Dokumen] Demikian ulasan kali ini tentang Materi Fisika Kelas XI Semester 1 Dan Semester 2 Lengkap Contoh Soalnya. Semoga dapat dimanfaatkan siswa-siswi yang sedang duduk di bangku SMA Kelas XI. Materi Fisika Kelas XI dan latihan soal Fisika Kelas.

Sekarang kami sajikan latihan soal ukk bahasa inggris SMA/SMK?MA kelas XI Kurikulum 2013 atau kurtilas, selamat mengerjakan.
Choose the correctanswer by crossing a, b, c, or d!
Pleasecheck in your baggage one hour before boarding time.
A.At the railway station.
C.At the airport.

From: +62815556165
Just to inform you that the meeting will be canceled for tomorrow Mon, May 23 '09 at 10 a. m. as the principal will arrive from Singapore tonight.

2.Isty is very pleased with Sinta because she has ... in her examination.
B. succeeded
D. join
3.From the text we know that ....
A. the principalwas away when the message was sent
C. the principalwill wait for the meeting that day
D. the senderwas in Singapore when he sent the message
4.The short message is written to ....
B. inform thecancellation of a meeting
C. say that theprincipal won't come to the meeting
D. inform thatthe sender has just arrived from Singapore
Read thefollowing text and answer questions 5 and 6
On Wednesday August 13th in class VII A at eight o'clock.
Bring one or two friends and wear your funniest clothes to make the party fun.
EXCEL group.
5.The persons who may join the party are VIIIA students and their....
B. relatives
D. friends
6.The text is written .... a dinner party.
B. to invitepeople to go to
D. to forcestudents to go to
Read the textand answer questions 7 — 9

We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14 — 16 June 2009. The contribution is Rp75,000.00. Members who would like to join the activity should register their names to Mrs. Katmiati. Registration will be on 10th June, 2009.
Naufal A. C.
The Chief
7.To whom is the announcement above?
B. The chief ofthe association
D. Scoutassociation of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang
8.When will the camping activity start?
B. 14th June2009
D. 16th June2009
9.'The contribution is Rp75.000,00”
A. Food, drinks,or services which are provided by an organization for guests
B. Sum of moneythat is given to a person or organization to pay for something
C. The act ofmaking official report of something or someone

Myfavourite thing is aquarium. It is a place in which aquatic plants and animals,particularly fish, are kept. The term is applied to single tanks for home usein which fish are kept for their decorative effect and interesting habits andto public institutions with tanks for exhibition and scientific study ofaquatic life.
I make home aquariums to simulate a naturalenvironment. Aquatic plants supply the oxygen needed by the fish, but often anaerating device is used to furnish additional oxygen. Goldfish enjoy coolwater, but the popular tropical fish must have water at a constant temperatureof 22°C (72°F) or more. I must keep the water pure and free of algae for longperiods by sufficient aeration and by keeping mollusks in the aquarium. A layerof sand or gravel at the bottom of the tank will hold the roots of suchimportant aquatic plants as tape grass, vallisneria spiralis, and aid in theremoval of debris. My home aquariums range in size from small fishbowls holdingtwo or three pets to huge tanks.
10. To give additional oxygen, ... is used in ahome aquarium.
B. aquaticplants
D. a layer ofsand
11.Which is not needed to stimulate a natural environment in a home aquarium?
B. Using asuitable aerating device
D. Removing thedebris regularly
12. What is the above passage about?
B. A naturalenvironment
D. Aquaticplants and animals

Yesterdaynight was the night of the fair, the following day was holiday. The children atTim's school were really excited. They ran down the path out of school as fastas they could. Tim ran all the way home, and changed into his jeans andsneakers. He ate his dinner quickly, and sat at the window waiting for his dadto come. He couldn't wait for six o'clock when the fair would begin. He hadbeen saving his pocket money for weeks.
When Tim and his family arrived at the fair, it hadjust opened. Already there were crowds of people swarming around food stalls,displays and dozens of rides. 'Can I buy some chips and a drink?'asked Tim.
'Okay'sad Tim's dad. 'But hang on tightly to your wallet. There are a lot ofpeople around.' 'I'll be fine', said Tim impatiently.
He found a food stall, and ordered his food. Whenthe man brought his chips and drink, without thinking, Tim put his wallet onthe counter and picked up his food and drink. When he glanced back, his wallethad vanished! Tim desperately looked around him, but it was no use. All hispocket money was gone.

A. in themorning
C. in theevening

14. The children at Tim's school felt excitedbecause ...
B. the followingnight was a holiday
D. they got newjeans and sneakers
15. 'When he glanced back, his wallet hasvanished!' (last paragraph). The underlined word means ....
B. disappeared
D. changed
Read thefollowing text to answer questions 16 to 18
This is a traditional French dish adapted by the Creoles of New Orleans. It is sometimes known as 'Looney soup'.
- 75 gr unsalted butter
- 6 large onions, peeled and sliced - Salt and pepper
-600 ml beef stock
-2 tsp soy sauce
- 6 slices of French bread

2. Add sliced onion, a pinch of salt and pepper and the sugar.
3. Cook on a low heat, stirring from time to time, until the onions have browned.
5. Sift the flour, stirring hard to avoid lumps.
7. Simmer for 3-4 hours.
9. Top each bowl with bread and cheese and place under grill for two minutes, until cheese has melted. The bowls will be hot, so warn your guests. It is a very filling soup so you won't want much else to eat. It should be served for 4 to 6 people.

16. How much Worcester sauce do you need to makecreole onion soup?
B. One tbsp
D. Six tbsp
17. Why should you warn your guests while havingthe soup?
B. The bowl isplaced under grill.
D. The bowls arehot.
18. Simmer for 3-4 hours. ' What does'simmer' mean?
B. Stircarefully.
D. Melt slowly.
Read thefollowing text to answer questions 19 to 22.
Onceupon a time, there were two butterflies, Teri and Roni. They are friends. Teriand Roni had the same crown.
Oneday, Kodi a frog, saw Teri and Roni quarreling 'You took it!' saidRoni 'No. I did not!' said Teri.
'Teristole my crown!' said Roni.
'Yesterday,I still had my crown when she came to visit me,' said Roni.
'TodayI cannot find the crown! Look!, she is wearing it!' Roni shouted.
Kodisuggested they all go to Roni's house.
'Iput it on the table,' Roni answered.
'Maybe, it fell down.' Kodi looked under the table. Nothing was there.
'Ididn't steal yours, but if you like it so much, you can have mine,' Terigave Roni the crown.
'It'shere!' Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain.
'Sorry,Teri, I accused you. I'm a terrible friend!'

A. Under thetable.
C. Behind thecurtain.

Whatdoes the underlined word refer to?
B. The house
D. The curtain
21. From the story, we can learn that ....
B. the goodnessis always the winner
D. we shouldn'taccuse of others without proof
22. From the story above we can conclude thatKodi is a ... friend.
B. good
D. happy
Readthe following text to answer questions 23 to 24.
Can make your VCD player in the best operating condition. It can remove the dirts from laser lens thoroughly. Always keep the sound and picture clear when playing. The cleaning disc will show you the perfect motion and sound after cleaning. Protect your VCD player long lasting effectively.
If the result is still bad after the normal cleaning, it may be the problem of disc or machine of VCD. Please send to professional maintenance.
Dry type cleaning
Insert VCD lens cleaner into your player, press the play button. The disc will then spin to start cleaning process.
When cleaning is finished, you will be played with preset program to show you the perfect result of cleaning.

23. What can Y2K VCD lens cleaner do to your VCDplayer?
B.Make the VCDrun faster.
D.Keep the soundvery audible.
24. “Carefully replace the cleaner in thecase' (last line) The word 'replace' is similar meaning to....
B. cleancarefully
D. put it back
Read thefollowing text to answer questions 25 to 26.
“The Earth'sgreatest gorge', the Grand Canyon is located in northwestern Arizona. Itsvastness is 217 mile long, and its widest spans over 17 miles across. It is notsurprising that it has been designated one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Thewalls of the canyon are made of limestone, sandstone, lava and other rocks. Asthe day passes the rocks reflect different colours. Many tourists come to thecanyon just to watch the rocks change colour.
Cottonwood and willow trees grow at the bottom ofthe canyon. Many varieties of cactus grow here as well. The canyon is also hometo many animals, such as bobcats, coyotes, kangaroo rats and deer.
Today about 4. million visitors come to Grand Canyoneach year. Seeing the Grand Canyon is always a breathtaking and unforgettableexperience.
25. What makes the visitors feel interestedwatching the rocks?
B. They reflecthuman's life.
D. They canchange its form.
26. '... Grand Canyon is always abreathtaking and unforgettable experience.' (last paragraph)
A. strongemotional
C. amazing

Haveyou ever visited a place which made you want to stay forever?
Ihave. Last year, I went to Situ Cileunca. At first, I thought the place wasonly the same as, other places in Bandung. But I was very surprised to findthat it was the most beautiful place I've ever visited.
There were fantastic meadows, a lake, and a river.The meadow was very large. In the middle of the meadow there were many cows andsheep. All the animals were fat and healthy because they could easily get somegrass in that large meadow. At the edge of the meadow, there was a small river.The water in the river was very cold. But, the sound of the streaming water wasgood to hear, especially in the evening.
Not far away from the herd of cattle, there was alake. The lake wasn't too big, but it was very beautiful. The water was veryclear and clean. We could see many fish in the lake. The most amazing thing wasthe water itself. It was not cold although the weather around was extremelyfreezing.
Unfortunately, I stayed there for just three daysbecause we had to go back to Jakarta. But I have promised myself to come backlater.
27. What does the writer tell you about?
B. Living inSitu Cileunca.
D. Visiting SituCileunca.

A. The beauty ofthe lake.
C. The fish inthe lake.

29. Why was the writer very surprised?
B. The weatheraround the lake was cold.
D. The water waswarm.

Read thefollowing text and answer questions 30 to 33
Doyou know that a giraffe may grow more than six metres tall? Yes, the giraffe isa very
tallanimal. In fact, it is the tallest animal in the world.
A giraffe has a very long neck. Unfortunately, thegiraffe cannot bend its neck easily. Thus, when it wants to drink water at apool, the giraffe has to spread its front legs apart, so it can reach thewater.
A giraffe feeds on plant only. Hence, it can reachthe leaves on trees easily because of its height. Also, a giraffe has a verylong tongue — about 0.5 metres long. The giraffe uses this long tongueskillfully to pick leaves off plants and trees.
This tall animal can protect itself very well. Ithas a very good sense of smell and sight. It can hear very well, too. It canalso gallop very fast —at a speed of 50 km.p.h.
The giraffe's hind legs and long neck are also veryuseful. For example, a giraffe can kick its enemy with its hind legs or evenhit out with its long neck.
30. What does a giraffe use to kick its enemy?
B. Bent neck
D. Long tongue
31. What does the paragraph three tell us about?
B. The weatheraround the lake.
D. The water inthe river.
32. Why was the writer very surprised?
B. The weatheraround the lake was cold.
D. The water waswarm.

33. “ ... can protect itself very well.'(paragraph 4)
A. Havingserious attention.
C. Increasing inheight.

Read the textand answer questions 34 to 36.
136 guestrooms including 1 Penthouse (3 bedrooms), 1 Presidential suite (3 bedrooms), 54 Jayakarta Suites, 39 Executive and 45 Deluxe Rooms. Banquet and function facilities are available for multipurpose, meetings, wedding, seminar and conventions for up to 1000 participants. Recreation facilities wrapped in a unique shape of open air swimming pool, where you can bring your children to play around on a sand beach atmosphere.
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 381A, Bandung 40135 – Indonesia
Tel. (022) 2505888, fax (022) 25053888, E-mail.

34. How many rooms does Hotel Jayakarta have forthe guests?
B. 45
D. 136
35. Which is INCORRECT about the hotel?
B. Its functionrooms can accommodate more than one thousand people.
C. The guestscan bring their children on the sandy beach near it.
D. It providesits guest with an open air swimming pool.
36. 'Banquet and function facilities areavailable.'
A. find
C. refuse

Read the textand answer questions 37 to 40
Iam very glad to write this letter to you. How is your school? Here in Sleman,we are preparing for the Independence Day celebrations. So everybody is verybusy.
First,we are going to have some sports competition. There will be soccer, volleyballand a tug of war competition. The winning team will receive a big goat as aprize. I'm going to play in the football and volleyball competitions.
Then,we are going to have a wayang show on the night before the Independence Day.The dalang is a famous one from Yogyakarta. He will perform all night long.Have you ever seen a wayang show? It is very entertaining.
Finally,I'm going to attend a flag raising ceremony at school on Independence Day.After that, we will give out prizes to the competition winners.
Whatare your plans for the Independence Day celebrations? Please write back andtell me.
37. What is the prize for the winners of thesports competition?
B. A goldentrophy
D. A big goat
38. How many competitions will Joko join?
B. Two
D. Four
39. “He will perform all night long.'(paragraph 3)
A. Irfan
C. the winner

40. “We will give out prizes to ......(paragraph 4)
A. Receive
C. Distribute

Withdrawing cash with an ATM card

2. Put your card into the slot.
4. When the choices appear, select 'withdrawal from checking'.
6. When your money appears, remove it.
7. When the machine asks if you are finished, press 'yes'.

A. Press'yes'
C. Select'continue'

A. The best wayto keep our money safe.
C. Thedescription of an Automatic Teller Machine.

Contoh Soal Dan Pembahasan Materi Fisika Kelas Xi Semester 2

D. The ways towithdraw money from Automatic Teller Machine.
43. What do you have to do if you want towithdraw again?
B. Press'NO' when the machine asks if you're finished.
D.Remove themoney when it appears.
For numbers 44to 46, choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks:
Theatreis a place where people entertain the audience well. The people who ... (44),called actors and actresses, act in plays on a stage. A ... (45) can be raisedplatform, or it can be part of the floor in a room, either in the centre of theroom or against the wall. The audience is very important part of a theatrebecause it is for the audience that actors and actresses act ... (46), and theplaywright writes interestingly. Without an audience, they are only rehearsingor practicing.
44. A.perform

B. screen

B. perfectly
For numbers 47and 48, arrange the words into a good sentence
47. when — leave — gas stove — on — do —unattended — not
A. 5 7 6 3 4 2 1
C. 5 7 6 3 1 2 4

48. delicious — it's — simple — a — very — it's —but — dish — very

B. 6 - 4 - 5 - 3 – 1 - 7 - 2 - 9 - 8
D. 6 – 9 – 1- 3 - 7 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 3
49. Arrangethe following sentences into a good narrative text
1. Thefive-footed bear liked to help other animals.
2. Oneafternoon, when the five-footed bear went home, he found a rabbit under amahogany tree.
3. But allanimals who lived with him didn't feet strange.
4. Once upon atime there was a strange bear who lived in a jungle.
5. Then, thefive-footed bear brought him to his home.
6. His home wasopen for anyone who wanted to stay.
8. The rabbitlooked hungry.
A. 4 - 7 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 2 – 1

Soal Dan Jawaban Fisika Besaran Dan Satuan

C. 4 - 7 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 2 - 8 -5

50. Arrangethe following sentences into a good recount text.
1. The bus wasair-conditioned, so I felt comfortable.
2. All thepassengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner.
4. In my holidayI visited my grandparents in Bandung.
6. I went thereby bus. It left at five in the afternoon.

A. 4 - 6 - 5 - 1 - 7 - 2 - 3
C. 4 - 6 - 1 - 5- 2 - 7 - 3

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